Saturday, November 3, 2007

Frowning at the Angle

Ross and I went to hear Joanna Newsom play at Benaroya Hall, accompanied by the Northwest Symphonium and a few of her regular musicians. Photos weren't allowed in the show, but this is from the balcony.

TS picked me up from work and we took the ferry to Vashon Island to look at a little house she was thinking of renting.

TS and the world were looking especially photogenic that afternoon. I had a hard time choosing a photo to post, so I chose a bunch.

The potential house was really neat, with a deck you had to crawl out the window to reach, and a view of the Sound.

It needs a new roof, though.

TS documented the house so she could consider...

TS took this one, too.

This photo (By TS) reminds me of the hardcover cover of The Cottagers.

I think it must get really cold and wet out there on Vashon.

1 comment:

Relief Map said...

The house looks like a fine place for a writers residence. Quaint yet mysterious. I've always wanted to live on an island. I'm rooting for you, TS.