Saturday, October 3, 2009


This photo is only a week or so old, but it already looks dated because fall arrived this week--or perhaps we skipped fall altogether and cut straight to winter. There's snow on the mountains, and I really need to dig out my gloves for cycling. The cats now sleep huddled together.

The Farmer's Market has been a nice discovery: all these tomatillos for $3. I made some tasty salsa.

I guess there are times when it's good that I'm living alone. I've been making quite a mess.

Despite appearances, this is actually homework...

And now, to introduce the newest member of the family. She dines on air and likes an occasional bath.

1 comment:

ud said...

what's her name? and what is she exactly? i like her hairdo. where does she have it done? (i also really really like that photo of jackson and lucy... que lindos... que preciosos) so keep in mind a piece you want to trade for a thread diptych. i am loving those pages you're creating.