Sunday, August 21, 2011


In June, there were poppies.

I was broke, and had time to go to the park with Esther and Catie.

And they had time, too. Even Kaylana had time.

And Rachel thought it was a good idea to have a goodbye party for herself and Matt, even though they weren't officially abandoning us until August. I made my very first batch of funeral potatoes. They were a tremendous hit (my not-so-secret-ingredient: green chiles).  I passed the first test on my trajectory to successful Mormon housewife...

Rachel and I tried to look mean.

And for some reason I no longer recall, other than the memory of childhood blanket forts, I thought it was a good idea for Rachel and Matt to get under the table. They were quite amenable. I didn't have to work hard to convince them, and they stayed there for at least an hour.

Catie even joined them at some point

So long ago! They have moved away now, to Missouri and Georgia.  Good thing my blog is two months behind my life.

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