Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Now minimalism; now chaos

I think this is the Wasatch Range, in Utah.

I was not drowsy.
The tree of Utah.

Sound travels strangely in the Salt Flats. It always seems quiet. Even the semis whizzing by barely make a sound.

Just your shoes, crunching the salt.

What does it do to the psyche, living near here? I do find it beautiful--especially at dusk.

Finally, we arrived in Elko-town, where the cowboys and miners like to have a drink.

Jerritt and Rory like to have a drink, too.

We took a day off from driving, ate a ranch breakfast, and walked around in the Ruby Mountains.

Welcome to the Pacific Northwest, said the clouds.

We are living in a little cottage for a month or two. Apparently, the living room is about the same number of square feet as the moving truck.

Ellie likes the yard. Maybe she will come over to play sometimes.

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