Tuesday, December 18, 2007

In the City of Subdued Excitement

First, my camera ran out of juice and then I lost it. Luckily Ross found it beneath the car on Sunday morning. It was still out of juice., so Brigid stepped in as the Bloom and Rot documentarian...

She and I went to hear Golem and The Trachtenberg Family Slideshow Players at the Crocodile. (On a side note--the Crocodile closed its doors the other day, with no warning, so this Hanukkah Party was actually rather monumental). Golem was fantastic--so much energy and talent and musicianship in one band. The crowd was actually dancing in circles multiple times.

Brig even recognized the accordion player from the Main Squeeze Orchestra.

Trachtenberg Family was really interesting, too.

The next morning we drove to Bellingham to see what we could see, which included this mural, an exhibit of Louis Hine photographs, and a bagpipe band.

And this beautiful old Raleigh.

We had no idea that Bellingham was the "City of Subdued Excitement."

This is what was inside the "Subdued Excitement" building...

And the owners of that building drive a Charlie Brown bus--at least we think it belongs to them, since it was parked outside, and is equally wacky with what we viewed through the window.

Brigid was very cold the whole time she was here.

We just could not subdue our excitement.

The Mac Brigade got down to work when we got home.

Brigid went to explore the library the next day and took this photo of herself that looks strangely like me.

We saw a film at the Northwest Film Forum called "Forrest, Lilly and the Golden Bike." It was a collaborative film, made by dozens of filmmakers, including a bunch of kids, and promotes alternative transportation. The star of the film, Tracy, was a golden bike. Brigid ran into Tracy on her walk home a day or two later and stopped to say hi.

1 comment:

Relief Map said...

The Trachtenberg Family Slideshow Players were featured in Found magazine a few years back & performed at the Mad Art Gallery with Davy Rothbart just before I moved to town. Alas. I hear the little girl's pretty hard core. To accordions!