Monday, January 7, 2008


Anni is my parents adorable and spoiled dog.

Josh was in town, from Boston, and he and Dave came down from the Fort for an evening.

There were a few too many photographers spoiling the soup.

At Sputnik, the photo booth inner-workings were exposed, and the air smelled of fixer. Mm-mm, old friend.

Julie and Dave were there, too!

And Julie had no patience for the paparazzi.

Woody either.

Brig and Woody are always the dancers, no?

Of course there was much lingering on the frozen sidewalk on the way out. And Josh ran into a bunch of people he knew. It was like we were all back in the Ft., outside the Surfside.

Ross and I met up with Lora at Lucille's for breakfast the next day. She likes her job, and has been mountain biking lots, and taking dogs for walks at a local shelter.


Then we went with Brig for a visit to Dan, Dan the Accordion Man. Her accordion has a crack in it, and Dan is the man to fix it.

He taught us all about the inner workings of her accordion.

Wax and springs and dust and who knows what (well, Dan knows.)

He showed us a photo of his great grandfather in an Austrian accordion group, and this one, of an accordion picnic in the Bay area, years and years ago.

Then he played Brigid's accordion. He says it's in pretty good shape.

Then he showed us this lovely little thing.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Hartsig said...

Bridget! Woody! Why oh why did I drive east? I'm glad your January is so full o friends & accordion picnics, because of stupid Wyoming loss. And glad your photos rain cats and dogs, too (I always feel, weirdly guiltily, like I have a problem with that. Oh animal friends). I miss you, lady. We went to White Flag last night and I kept expecting to see you and dear TS somewhere in the cloth-elbow-boot forest.