Sunday, September 14, 2008


The days are getting shorter so quickly. In an effort to resist panic, Ross and I met Sloan and Jenny for an evening match of tennis--my first time playing doubles. I like being on the courts at night, with the lights blazing. It felt like we were floating on some enchanted tennis court, resting atop a cloud of vines, maybe.

Maybe if I am out at sunset every day, it will ease this seasonal transition.

*To my surprise, a google search for "Floating World," finds a strange array. First, some "adult industry" website. Oops. Not a good title for a blog post... Then I learned that the Japanese word "Ukiyo" is a homophone for "floating world," and "sorrowful world." The first refers to an urban lifestyle, and more specifically, a pleasure seeking lifestyle (urban and pleasure seeking are commonly partners?), and the second to the "earthly plane of death and rebirth," from which Buddhists seek escape (Wikipedia, of course).

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