Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A saint, a princess, and a dictionary

On the way to the Asian Art Museum, we found this amazing water tower. It was larger and grander than Tower Grove, and open all the time for free.

In the imaginary video game, TS and I rescued Princess Ross from the tower and escaped before it was destroyed. The view from the top was nice, too, not to mention the beautiful underside of the roof.

By the time we reached the museum, we didn't have time to go in and see the art. But we went back the next day.

So we took advantage of our time at the top of the hill to take ridiculous photos.

Shiva the Destroyer.

Of course, I couldn't resist round two of the holiness test.

It seems TS's holiness level has increased since round one.

Ross and I went out for (delicious!) sushi with our old friends from Fort Collins, Myles and Carey. We hadn't seen them in over five years. Then they took us back to their apartment, which is full of ephemera, such as this tremendous and hefty corduroy-bound dictionary.

Yes, that's the dictionary!

Myles sells vintage photographs and such (

Stay tuned for more Adventures in Seattle...

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