Friday, February 29, 2008


It was Saturday. Ross was busy turning all the Flexcars into Zipcars. My feet took me to Volunteer Park.

The plant conservatory was open, so I went in.

I found a marble in a patch of dirt. As a kid, I had a little mesh bag full of this sort of marble, but I never really knew how to play marbles. Something about bumping the little marbles with the big marble. Something about flicking the marble into motion with your thumb. Anyway, this one seemed like a treasure I should keep.

But what if it was marking the grave of someone's deceased pet? I left it there.


woodpanelkitchen said...

It was marking a little bird that was saved in a desk drawer and then buried.
(those plants and your photos are amazing!)

Relief Map said...

A respectable gesture, indeed.