Saturday, November 22, 2008


We drove down to Portland for the opening of Myles' shop, Ampersand.

It's in a great spot on Alberta Street, surrounded by other unique shops and restaurants. It was bustling.

And it was so good to see these two!

The tiny shop was packed. I'm kind of glad it's 3 hours away--otherwise I'd be in there all the time, spending all my money.

We got to meet a few of Myles and Carey's new friends.

The shop looks great, but it was hard to take photos because it was so crowded.

The next day Ross and I got a little tour of Carey's office, which is located above a cool little garden/nursery.

She works for Rapha now. She shares this awesome office space with two other people--the whole of the Rapha Portland crew.

Rapha is an English company. Portland meets England on their windowsill.

We walked up the street for brunch, passing a lightbulb store on the way. I never knew there were so many light bulb options.

Then back to Myles and Carey's house to pick up Carey's cyclocross bike.

We drove out to the fairgrounds for Carey's race.

It was the second day of sun after days on end of rain, so the course was wonderfully muddy.

Carey wore her white kit anyway. It was the coolest suit on the course.

She was looking pretty tough, but her bike had a mechanical failure, so we didn't get to see her in a moment of triumph. But it was fun watching anyway.

1 comment:

CAREY S-H said...

It was great to catch-up with you guys. Thanks for coming down and being a part of Myles' opening. The breakfast we all shared the next morning was wonderful...a great group of people and conversation.

We can't wait for our next gathering whether it be us up your way you guys back down this way.
