Saturday, May 12, 2007

Try counting

Molly Leloup Dougherty did an installation at Beverly. (You can see better photos of her work on her own website:

To the moon! Or maybe Pluto!

Scoop neck tee shirt- $75

Jaffa and Jen were there with their bikes.

Jaffa, Jen and I went over to Mad Art, which is in an old police station.

In the clink, where they belong.

Me too. In the pen, the workhouse, the drunktank, up the river...

I think this piece is permanent. Even if they do take it apart, all those plastic things are more or less permanent parts of the world now, right?

While I unlocked my bike, Jaffa and Jen invented a new sport: bike curling.

Jen got a hot new bike. Maybe it will be named Pipsqueak, for its squeaky breaks, but it could go by Pippi, for its red handlebars.

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