Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Need for Wool

I hear it is bad Feng Shui to live near a hospital. We live near a few.

You can look down the skylights at St. Luke's.

Maybe they are making up for the bad Feng Shui by paying for our parking permit.

Eileen visited from St. Louis.

We met up at Smith, where they serve trotters and marrow bones, which we have not yet tried.

Then there was a brunch.

And fall arrived with all her apples and splendor.

This is actually a photograph of our new globe.

Marshall's book is #3 best seller at Elliott Bay!

Jerritt visited from Elko. He caramelized a load of onions.

And TS brought over a bunch of beers for the tasting.

I was too busy cooking and peeling beets to remember to take a photo of them.

Ross ordered a Schmidt in honor of his friend Karl. It cost $1.50.

Cheers, Mr. Schmidt. Your beer can bears a lovely fish.