Sunday, April 27, 2008


The check engine light came on in our car so we took it to the shop. Honda Seattle is a lovely space in which to spend a few minutes.

Someone left these scribbled pages on the window ledge at All-City Coffee.

Ross considered prying this one off the pole to take home.

Jerritt found a snow free hike for us yesterday.

We stayed on the trail.

Jerritt found a balloon that had escaped from a car dealership. He used it as a trash bag.

TS taught me to distinguish a plant as vascular or non-vascular (the things she has learned--or remembered--as a photo librarian!). But I guess I haven't quite learned my lessons yet. At first, I thought these were non-vascular because they are very short and mosslike, and TS says vascular plants, lacking a tubal water transport system, must stay close to the ground for water. These plants were really short and mossy, but they do have a stem-leaf structure...Guess I'll be consulting wikipedia.

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