Thursday, December 18, 2008


It is snowing! The city is completely frozen. I hope I'm able to fly out today...

Last weekend, at 10 to 5, it was was completely dark, but we're into the darkest week of the year now.

Ross and I walked downtown to have a look at the shop windows and the lights, but we found the whole spectacle a little lacking. Perhaps it's the economy. Perhaps it's the cold. Perhaps everyone is shopping online, or handcrafting their gifts... there weren't many people out and about. The carousel was lit with LEDs, which is a good responsible choice, but made the whole sight cold and garish, instead of warm and festive. The horrible synthesizer music piping out of it didn't help.

The ornaments on this tree are just out of grasp.

Who knew? The baby Jesus' manger is in Nordstrom!

The costume shop had a funny, creepy window display. Mrs. Santa better watch out for those monsters overhead.

TS and Jerritt took us out for the most delightful (and delicious) meal. Art of the Table is a tiny restaurant tucked into a regular old block in Wallingford. On Mondays they have "Happy Hour" all night, which means they serve a list of small plates for sharing.

We started off with "shooters" of roasted garlic, truffle oil soup served in espresso cups.

One of our favorite dishes was the sauteed carrots with whipped goat cheese. There were also boar's cheeks and a salmon cake, brussel sprouts with pistachios, and an amazing, custardlike quiche...It was a real treat.

All this snow and ice makes me want to eat sugared pancakes.

I started cutting paper snowflakes as a procrastination tactic a few weeks ago. They must have worked as an invocation.

Christmas creeps...

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