Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Brigid photographed cookies for her friend's new cookie business. She was paid partly in cookies, and I went with her to pick some up. We also bought some bread for my birthday fondue.

Then we were off to St. Kilian's Cheese Shop. Being at the cheesemonger's reminded me of the time I spent in Galway. I baked bread on Friday nights, and on Saturday afternoons I picked up my little envelope of pay at the cheese shop. Brigid is friends with the owners of St. Killian's, so when we had dinner with them a few nights later, I told Ionah that their shop reminded me of Galway--turns out they know that shop, and it was the inspiration for theirs.

Ionah was camera shy, but she let me take a photo of these beautiful cheeses.

Brig even knew the hotdog vendor.

Happy Birthday to me. I made a Dark Chocolate Flan with New Mexican Chile, Cinnamon and Pepita. My favorite part of this recipe is that it involves star anise, which is so strange and beautiful. I need to work on my presentation, but it tasted pretty good.

For Christmas, the dogs got all dolled up.

My sister Caitlin doesn't like to have her picture taken, but her dog Rafiki is quite photogenic.

The weather on Christmas was incredible. The eagle was in its tree, but then I scared it off.

The ice was thawing.

From a distance, we thought this was a real coyote. We put the dogs on leashes.

I guess it is there to scare the geese, but it doesn't seem to be working.

Anni had a good time chasing Lucille, Bryce's dog. Lucille is camera shy.

Caitlin took the best photo of the dinner table.

My Grandma gave this silver tea set to my mom. I think it belonged to my grandfather's mother.

Ross finally flew in on Christmas night, so I rushed off to the airport to pick him up.

Every time we visit Denver I take an almost identical photo of Ross and his sister, Lora.

Brigid used to live with Maggie, and Maggie invited Brigid, Bryce, Ross and I over to her house for the most delicious dinner.

Ionah and Hugh brought the cheese.

I got a new camera for my birthday, but I haven't quite figured it out yet, so my photos were few and poorly exposed, but I couldn't resist posting this one anyway. Maggie's daughter Pearl did not give Maggie a Christmas present this year, but she did give herself a nice handmade vase and a card. "Dear Pearl, I hope you enjoy this lovely present. I made it glazed a dark color because it will contrast when you put bright flowers in it. Anyway, I hope you have a great Christmas! Love, Pearl" I hope she will let Maggie borrow it once in a while.

Thanks for a wonderful evening, Maggie.

Before our flight, Ross and I met our old friend Jason for lunch. Jason just moved back to Denver from Chicago because he joined a Denver circus?

Then it was time to go to the airport.

Brig and 4 of her colleagues have installations up in DIA. You can look at her blog for more details--I'll just leave it at houses, home, and flight patterns.

Final sun rays...

We chased the sunset from Denver to Salt Lake, where we had a layover.

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