Thursday, December 11, 2008


TS and Jerritt went to Ohio for a few days, so Ross and I got to hang out with Miss Ellie Dog at her house, which comes complete with an illustrated book of Greek myths and daily delivery of the New York Times. (Green yarn not included.)

On Saturday it was sunny!

They have one of the tiniest bathrooms, with bright light and white walls. It is an excellent venue for discovering stray eyebrows, wrinkles, and pores. I think my stray eyebrows still outnumber my wrinkles...

And it serves as a nice photobooth for self-portraits.

Hooray for blinding sun!

We also went back to the Volunteer Park Cafe. I've never been crazy for French Toast, but this vanilla custard, banana stuffed toast...Wow.

And then, since it's feeling like winter, I made some pozole. I think it might have been my best batch yet...way better than the first time I made it, when I mistakenly used an entire can of chipotle peppers in adobo sauce--an entire can! And I ate it! And my guests ate it! It was waaaay too hot for eating. I used a single pepper this time, although Ross added more to his bowl.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Hartsig said...

i dream of that too-hot pozole- happily. i'm glad the holiday sweater has such a home, still. heart.