Friday, January 30, 2009


Ross went to Elko, to work at the 25th Annual National Cowboy Poetry Gathering, so I've had a weekend all to my lonesome.

The weather was amazing yesterday, and I'm feeling the new angle of the sun, so I took my bike out for a wandering sort of ride.

I ended up at Golden Gardens, where it seemed that everyone had their bulky, fancy cameras out, hoping to save up a little light for the next rainy day.

I really like the word "Shilshole," which is the name of the marina. Shilshole, shilshole, shilshole. I kept repeating it to myself.

The Leif Erikson statue reminds me of the statue of St. Louis, in Forest Park, back in good ol' St. Louie. Honestly though, despite his gigantic battle axe, Leif appears more proud and less violent than Louis, who I always found rather terrifying. Leif isn't wearing any armor, and his hair is half loose, instead of being all bound up in a strange helmety hood, like Louis', not to mention Leif isn't on a battle horse that is also wearing a helmety hood. Also, it appears that Leif's stocking are slumping a bit, and how can you be scared of a man in slumping stockings, even if he is made of bronze, and looms 20 feet above you, and leans on an axe as big as you?


Anonymous said...

I've already forgotten so many street names in Seattle. Bummer. The mind is a slippery & forgetful thing. Can't believe that new building in Ballard.
Miss Shilshole. My old running route. Miss a lot about Seattle. Oh well. Thanks for the photos.

Bloom and Rot said...

How did you even recognize that the new building was in Ballard? That whole block is new since you left, isn't it? You should come up for a visit.

ud said...

Your photos are so lovely. May I request a print of the balloons? Let's trade prints. The light, the colors and the lines are so perfect... it's as if you designed them all to come together at that very moment.